Do you already practice yoga? Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, that you’re somewhat of a yogi already. Even if it’s just in your spare time…karma yoga is not that esoteric.
But surprisingly few of us in fact spend time dedicating ourselves to the spiritual work of karma yoga!
It’s not really your fault, because karma yoga isn’t really yoga; at least it’s not one of the conventional forms we’ve come to know and love in the Western world. You know – when you roll out the yoga mat, sit cross-legged before the yoga class begins and then go through the regular physical practices and postures we all now recognise as ‘yoga’.
Of all the paths of yoga, in fact, karma yoga is one of the least acknowledged and celebrated of all!
So enough with all the riddles!
What actually IS karma yoga then? And how can I start practicing it? Will there be a psychic well-being increase?
The karma yoga process embraces one KEY component of all the yoga principles: Yoga Of Action.
There are many paths but you have to choose the one with the most heart.
This principle duty suggests that a human being should ‘act’ unselfishly and in accordance with the Dharma. In turn, he or she should remain unattached from any personal gain or ‘successful’ outcome resulting from that action. This (un)attachment to fruits – a strong and all-consuming part of one’s ‘ego’ – is, therefore, a spiritual practice in and of itself, separate from other forms of yoga and conventional yoga classes held in cities all over the world.
So you see, such karma yoga ideas have a life and purpose of their own, and they can be a remarkably transformative (and forgotten about) part of yoga teachings. The expectation is that yogic activities will have a physical payoff, and usually this is correct, but it is the spiritual payoff that is often more transformative. The spiritual path is so undervalued. The philosophy of yoga shines strong and the roots of yoga are firmly rooted in the spiritual. It’s so much more than a matter of duty and a basic path of devotion.
Have I made you hungry for more Karma? I hope so!
If so, then here are 3 simple ways you can already begin your karma yoga journey today:
1) Every morning, make a list of 5 things you can do for others. Start easy: wish your housemates a ‘good morning’, call your parents to see if they need any help with anything, etc etc. Tick each one off as it’s done and let this be your ‘yoga teacher training’ for the day.
2) Practice Bhakti Yoga! Similar to karma yoga, this is the simple act of loving devotion towards any personal deity. Practice makes perfect, and so if one can love a deity (bhakti yoga) then one can better practice loving other human beings too!
3) Attachment meditation practice: close your eyes and ponder over the topic of ‘exclusive attachment’ within yourself. Which objects, identities or people do you attach yourself strongly towards? It could be your bank account, your fancy watch, your husband or wife, your religion even! Etc etc. Once we’re aware of our attachments it is almost impossible not to loosen our grip on them even a little.
Notice how much love and appreciation your partner (or pet) has for you, and vice versa, when your personal worth is not so dependent upon them. True love, after all, is acting in accordance with ‘the way, and with ‘dharma’, not for one’s own individual selfish gains.
Try these methods out and experiment with more of your own! Then watch your yoga practice, and daily life, flourish in unexpected ways…