I know what you’re thinking: this is gonna be some juicy, tantra yoga, sex-driven celebration of the human body’s orgasmic potential, direct from South India.

Woman sitting cross-legged parcticing Tantra Yoga.

Tantra Yoga

Well, sorry to disappoint you folks but, like everything in life, tantra yoga is a bit more nuanced than that. And also way more interesting!

If you want sexual rituals, Vedic religion, orgasmic experience, and proto-tantric elements that orbit primal sexual elements of traditional tantra yoga….then read on.

Yoga Myths

First of all, let’s slay a few conventional myths and establish what tantra yoga ACTUALLY is:

> Tantra yoga can be a sexual practice indeed, however, the tantric practice is a far larger umbrella than that, encompassing a whole number of other elements and yoga traditions.  Centuries of personal experimentation have evolved into these refined yogic practices. 

A woman wearing yoga shorts, sitting cross legged is practicing a Tantrc yoga routine.

> Tantra yoga is a style of yoga, much like other types, and also works with subtle body energies to follow the spiritual path of ‘oneness’ (the literal translation of the word ‘yoga’)

> There are many different yogic traditions, tantra yoga classes, tantric techniques, and kinds of yoga practitioners within the field of tantra yoga!

> The tantric path is not for so-called ‘perverted people’ or those simply looking to improve their sex life. It is a legitimate and honest type of yoga that impacts one’s everyday life in numerous ways other than just one’s sexual energy.

A woman practicing Tantra yoga to prime her sexual chakra.

So the question remains: with so many forms of yoga now available all over the world, why should one choose tantra yoga as their spiritual practice? Can it really transform the physical body in powerful ways? Is it indeed a serious and worthwhile yoga practice to pursue?

The simple answer – ABSOLUTELY! 

And here are 5 reasons why:

Tantric Yoga Is Energising

While traditional yoga from 10th-century Indian religions (or ‘yog’) has an emphasis on meditation and, in turn, mind-body harmony (or unity), tantra yoga has always focused on both physical and energetic embodiment! The yoga postures actively stimulate and open up the body’s various energy centers, allowing subtle energies to flow through the system. The practice yoga sequences or should we say, the practice of practice tantra yoga is very nuanced.

A woman in the down-ward dog pose practicing sexual yoga.

Tantra Space

Tantra, after all, is one of the most ancient traditions originating from the East and incorporates many of the oldest, tried, and tested yogic techniques used in many more modern forms of yoga today. 

Traditional Tantra Yoga

The umbrella of tantric yoga poses and methods, meditative practices and transgressive elements, and tantric rituals within tantra yoga allows one to approach the practice in his or her own unique way. Naturally, there are various types of yoga teachers and yoga studios associated with it also.

There is ‘white’ tantra for example – focusing on one’s own individual mind-body awareness and (eventual) self-liberation. The practice of pranayama has a big impact on the course of this tantra practice. This has nothing to do with sexual intercourse or any form of shared participation whatsoever.  In fact, yoga teachers make this very clear.

woman in purple leggings stretching thorugh a yoga session.

Practice Tantra Yoga

Then there is ‘red’ tantra – The key element from the 8th century and the direct experience of incorporating more sexual practices that involve a single other or even an entire group. Yogic systems such as this are very common among tantric practices in South Asia. This type of yoga is heavily dependent on ‘white’ tantra first being understood and practiced, and usually for a long time. For obvious reasons, ‘red’ tantra can be a more challenging and complicated practice of yoga, and so its ‘success’ requires each participant to first be present and aware of themselves.  Hatha yoga has a big role to play in this.

These 2 (among many) categories of tantric practices. Within the tantra, yoga practice can allow you to experiment and adapt yourself over time as your experience grows and your skills strengthen. Try and practice tantric yoga every day if possible with the help of a tantra yoga teacher if you have access to a guru.

Tantra yoga can also be practiced outside along as you have some degree of privacy where you can act out these yoga poses.

Practice Tantric Yoga – The Hindu Deities Are Unique

A lesser-known tantric practice that can bolster spiritual growth, heart energy, and to an even lesser understood aspect of this tantric path is the comprehension of Hindu Deities.  Just know which fierce deities to listen to.  Put simply, these symbolize the two key principles of the universe: the creative and dynamic force (called ‘Shakti’) and the stable, more destructive male force (called ‘Shiva’).  Daily life continues with or without Shiva.

woman practising yoga on top of a mountain.

Practice Makes Perfect

The interplay of such classical energies can be found everywhere in the universe, whether understood through quantum physics, the analysis of human movement, or, equally, through the subtle energy manifestations happening during one’s yoga work or meditation practice.

Female deities and elements take many forms throughout the various Hindu rituals (and tantra) traditions, just as Male deities do.  It’s a unique and transformative experience to find each of such rituals or ‘forms’ inside of ourselves. Classical tantra has always been a way to experience the path of the divine if one is devoted enough. But it is a lot more than yogic thoughts and the odd pose here and there. It takes time and dedication to connect with this force.

Traditionally, this is what the tantra practice was always about: understanding not only ourselves (and our partners) but our relationship to the entire universe and its many infinite and varied forms!

It Can (Admittedly) Be Sexual

Now finally, for the fun stuff!

Let’s not pretend that we’re ‘above’ our sweet and refined sexuality; even though it may be a little too sweet and (un)refined at times…sexual energy is so much fun after all.

A woman channeling her sexual energy with tantric yoga.

As Oscar Wilde famously said: “Everything in life is about sex; except sex which is about power.”

It’s part of our nature and tantra practices. A wonderful part. The hard part is to learn how to control it, use it, and embrace such powers for good.

This, beneath it all, is what separates the tantric tradition of practice from other yoga traditions. It is the delicate and profound attempt to harness and dictate how and in what ways our sexuality can be used. Many styles of yoga do not like to admit to this part of ourselves. Tantra yoga is certainly NOT one of them.

A woman wearing green leggings, stratching through a sexual yoga session.

With tantric yoga, our energy body works in many intricate ways. The chakra system, most famously, attempts to clarify this. And yet there is ONE center, perhaps, at the source of all others. The Japanese call it ‘the Hara.’ The Chinese define this vital energy source as ‘Chi.’ Ancient traditions of tantra yoga attempt to identify this also.

It is a sincere and safe attempt to simply understand and use oneself healthily and appropriately. Especially in relationships with others. This is called the ‘right-hand path.’ And one can follow ‘right-hand tantra yoga’ all the way to ensure an honest and systematic journey towards greater self-realization, as well as a more energized and vibrant sex life with one’s partner/s over time.

A woman practicing a sexual yoga routine at sunrise.

Equally, the left-hand path (for those more daring types) can immerse you in an abundant sea of new and wonderful experiences, both physically and mentally. It’s not for the faint-hearted, and perhaps not for those looking to maintain a stable family/partnership at home or to keep their 9-5 office job.

But who knows… after all, once one takes the red pill, it’s sometimes surprising what he or she is capable of!

So check out your nearest yoga studio and try the Tantra option today! Equally, you can request more information online and sign up for an online course if Tantra Yoga is not yet available to you close by.

Allow yourself to be transformed, individually or interpersonally. You never know what’s possible until you try…

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